I’m busy. You’re busy. We’re all busy. One primary challenge Christians have in trying to live the full Christian life is busyness. In other words, we aren’t making space for the things that matter most because our lives are filled with a clutter of other things.

We’re overwhelmed by the tension of being finite beings with infinite expectations for our lives and our families. We burn ourselves out working in our jobs, trying to be parents, and even doing good things in our churches. Most of us feel stretched so thin that we don’t even have space to think about our lives, much less follow Jesus intentionally.

40 Days of Wisdom is about making space in our lives to do the right things at the right time with the right people. That’s wisdom. Wisdom always produces abundant life for ourselves and others. The result of walking in wisdom is a satisfied life, not a hurried life.

Throughout the season of Lent we’ll apply biblical wisdom from the book of Proverbs so we can learn how to make space in our lives for the things that matter most. Sunday morning and midweek worship services will reflect the theme of 40 Days of Wisdom, and Life Groups will form to help us apply the truths of God’s wisdom in practical ways to our daily lives.

Making Space:

A Study of Wisdom from Proverbs

Throughout our 40 Days of Wisdom, we will be utilizing Bible Study materials written by Jeff Vanderstelt entitled “Making Space: Doing What Matters Most.” Through video based Life Group studies, Redeemer pastor-led Sunday morning Bible Study, and sermons inspired by this book, we will aim together to make Space in our Lives for the things that matter most, rightly orienting our lives according to God’s Word.

Learn more about this series through this video:
Making Space Video


Worship is where God gives his wisdom to us, and is always the bedrock of a life well lived.  

Join us at either campus!

On Ash Wednesday, those wishing to receive the imposition of ashes are invited to arrive 15 minutes early.

On Wednesdays in Lent, a fellowship dinner will be served before the evening service – in Springfield from 4:30-6:30 pm, and in Nixa from 5:45-6:30 pm.

On Easter morning, breakfast will be served at the Nixa campus from 9:15-10:15 am and at the Springfield campus from 7:00-9:30 am. During the Sunday School hour, both campuses will also have an Easter egg hunt for the kids.

Bible Study

Sundays at 9:30

This Lent, the Sunday morning Bible study led by the pastors at both campuses will help you identify what matters most to God and to you as a follower of Christ. Then you will discover how to incorporate those activities into your busy life.

Each week we’ll examine a topic that’s important, but often neglected or wrongly engaged.  Topics include work, rest, prayer, money, family, friendships, and more.

Gleaning wisdom from the Book of Proverbs and the example of Jesus, this study will show you how to avoid empty, unfulfilling busyness and devote your time to the pursuits that matter most in life.

Class begins Sunday, Feb 11, at 9:30 am, and continues through Palm Sunday, Mar 24.

Watch online or join in the fellowship hall of either campus.

Life Groups

Whether you have been in a group for a long time or would like to join one for the first time, 40 Days of Wisdom is a great time to be a part of a small group. Together, groups will enjoy a video based study and discussion, helping them prioritize what matters most!

Life Groups will engage in a six-week video-based discussion on the DNA (Dis-cover, Nurture, Act) of God’s wisdom for us.

Discover. Your group will study passages from Proverbs by reading the Bible, discussing what it says, and watching a short video.

Nurture. Your group will discuss issues of the heart: If we know what we discovered is true, how can we believe and walk in it?

Act. Your group will listen and obey as God calls us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. The goal is to empower our hands with practical information so each person knows what to do in order to walk in wisdom.

Sign up for A Life Group Now


Back by popular demand, many different authors from Redeemer have contributed once again to the 40 Days devotional this year. Included in the devotional are daily devotions, as well as worship pages to help those of all ages focus on God’s Word during worship.

Pick up your devotional at church, starting February 11th, or go to GrowShareCare.org each day for your daily devotion published online.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”