Sunday School and Bible Class

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:16

Sunday School
Springfield Campus

We have a new Sunday School program for the Springfield Campus beginning Sept. 11. Shannon Schmidt is our Sunday School Superintendent. She will be separating the kids by age groups and they will follow a VBS style type of format using CPH material. This style makes it more active and engaging while learning about God’s word. We have several experienced educators volunteering, but we can always use more volunteers. You don’t have to be a teacher, just willing to share God’s love with the kids. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am in room 144.

    Nixa Campus

    Children’s Sunday School will continue with a one group format using the same material as Springfield. Families can drop off their children (age 3 through 4th grade) with the teacher in the first preschool classroom on the left. Youth ages 5th grade through high school will meet in the Youth Room. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am

    Adult Bible Study
    Springfield Campus
      The Tree of Life
      Fellowship Hall - Pastor Moser

      The Tree of Life examines God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds through the Old Testament and is fulfilled in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Chris.

      The Chosen
      Room 147 - Vickie Peterson, Tom Seboldt, & Doug Hesterberg

      See how Jesus reaches sinners as He works His first miracles and embarks on His ministry to change the world. See Him through the eyes of those who knew Him.

      Caring for Aging Parents
      Room 119 - Stephen Ministry Team

      This class will offer insight and information on how to navigate this stage of life. Psalms 71:9 “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone”.

      Books of the Bible
      Room 149 - Jeff Dickinson

      Study of 1st John, 2nd John & 3rd John. Continues the in-depth study of the Bible.

      Nixa Campus
      The Tree of Life
      Fellowship Hall - Pastor Koenig

      The Tree of Life examines God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds through the Old Testament and is fulfilled in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Chris.

      Nixa Campus will continue with one group class that will be live streamed to our website beginning at 9:30 am after fellowship time (the link can be found below).  Located in the Nixa Campus 


      THAT is how we will start making a difference in our families, our community and our world.

      As part of our commitment to provide all members with a well-rounded understanding of God’s Word, we will annually provide at least one class in each of the following:

      • NT Studies: A synoptic Gospel1, Acts or a Pauline epistle2, John or a general epistle3
      • OT Studies: History4, wisdom & poetry5, prophecy6
      • Theological Foundations: Doctrine overview, the confessions, a Lutheran teaching
      • Life Application: Witnessing, personal devotional life, coping skills
      • Theological Topics: History, current issues, other religions
      • Relationship Application: Parenting, marriage, living single

      Every three years:  Genesis or Exodus, John, Romans or Galatians, NT Overview, OT Overview, Hermeneutics, Reformation History

      1. Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
      2. Pauline Epistles: Romans – Philemon
      3. General Epistles: Hebrews – Revelation
      4. History: Genesis – Esther
      5. Wisdom: Job - Song of Solomon
      6. 6Prophets: Isaiah – Malachi

      Springfield Campus Current Classes


      Leader: Tom Benson

      Location:  Room 116 (6th Grade)

      This letter by the Apostle John is often looked at with confusion and fear – but it was actually written to bring comfort and assurance to God’s people.  Come learn the true meaning of Revelation and be filled with joy!

      Nixa Campus Current Classes 

      "Journey from Unbelief to Faith"

      Sundays 9:30 AM - Through the end of February

      Fellowship Hall

      In this new year, as we celebrate our baptismal identity in Christ Jesus, we are beginning a 4 week Study on Sunday mornings at the Nixa campus. Join us as we hear the stories of 4 different individuals who were deep in the darkness of unbelief, but who by the grace and mercy of God came to faith in the light of the world - Jesus himself. As we hear about their journeys, we are sure to learn more about our own journey of faith as well. See you all this Sunday!

      Click here to learn more!