Life Sunday All-Redeemer Service Project

To celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, on January 22, 2023 Redeemer spent some significant time promoting life, in all its various forms, through an intergenerational service project day in the Springfield campus gym. Between preparation and the actual event, over 150 hours of community service were completed.
Over 100 volunteers from both campuses of Redeemer flooded the gym after worship to pack menstrual kits that were given to Convoy of Hope for those in need both locally and nationally.
After the kits were packed, there was still lots of work to be done, as volunteers of all ages began busying themselves by preparing items for mothers of infants that will be distributed through Newborns in Need, a local organization that provides care kits to the mothers.
According to the Newborns in Need, Springfield website, these items will benefit hundreds to thousands of local newborns who may otherwise have very little.

“51 items are placed in the large layettes that go to hospitals, clinics and social agencies here in Springfield and also in Carthage, Monett, Aurora, Houston, Joplin, Branson and beyond. We send items to agencies in 32 different counties throughout Missouri and Northern Arkansas.

Smaller layettes go to Pregnancy Care Centers, and other individually packaged items go to Doctor’s offices, ER’s, WIC offices, Health Departments, schools, pantries and homeless shelters. Each package contains the needed items for the particular agency.” (
Learn more about Newborns in Need Here:
What a great way to promote Life and serve our neighbors with the love of Jesus. Thanks to all who helped plan and came out to support this amazing event! All of the funds needed for this even were provided by Thrivent Action Team cards.

To learn more about how you can serve at Redeemer, contact Hannah Hayden or Pastor Jarod Koenig at the Redeemer church office. Click here to learn more about the Redeemer Serves Team.