We encourage families to participate in our confirmation program beginning when their student is in 6th grade and finishing in their 8th grade year. Our education curriculum is designed for this age group and we believe this gives students the best opportunities to create peer relationships.
If your student is older than this age group, please reach out to Hannah for information on private confirmation and high school/young adult programs! If your student is younger than this age group, we encourage you to wait until they begin middle school. If your student is beginning the three year rotation in their 7th or 8th grade year, Hannah will work with your family to provide the best peer fellowship opportunities while also ensuring they complete three year's worth of curriculum.
Twice a month at each campus we hold what we call "instructional days". These are days where we work with parents to help our students understand how Scripture and Luther's Catechism help them navigate current issues in their life as well as work to help all of our families continually cultivate a better understanding of theology and faith at home practices. When we are not meeting for instructional days, our students meet for Middle School Mayhem, a program designed to help middle school students build a Christian community and continue exploring Scripture with their peers. Students and parents are also expected to complete at home work during our Middle School Mayhem weeks.
Your student will need a physical copy of the Bible.
Below is a suggestion for students, and one for parents, but any ESV or NIV version is acceptable.
For Students -- The Jesus Bible (other covers available through different retailers)
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