Jesus at Work

Josh Wanner40DOW

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

John 1:3

God has provided work for us all. At every age, we are called to work where God has put us. As children and teenagers, our work is being a student, or maybe serving at a part-time job. As young adults, we begin a career in an occupation God has chosen for us, and then maybe we work hard in a marriage and as parents raising children of our own. Older adults, grandparents, move to the work of retirement and helping to teach and lead the younger generations. Wherever you are right now and whatever you are doing, do it in honor of God!

As the Bible tells us, God had work for Jesus. Jesus was working from the beginning, as He was present when God created the universe. Jesus was present in and through the Old Testament generations, as God provided wisdom to Prophets such as Isaiah and Micah to speak of Jesus and His rule over every nation.
Jesus began His work on Earth in the flesh as a baby, and Jesus carried out the work God sent Him here to accomplish through His life, suffering, death and resurrection. Jesus continues His work in our hearts, helping us as we work alongside Him, spreading the good news of salvation through Him.

Jesus’ work will never end! Join Him where God has placed you now! Speak boldly of His wonderful deeds. Speak truth in love to those who need to hear of our Lord and Savior Jesus!


Lord God, Heavenly Father, help us join the work of Jesus, bringing others to know the love and salvation found only in Him!

Daily Reading: Proverbs 9

– Contributed by Mark Costello