For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
– Psalm 139:13-14
Do you ever glance around a room and think, “Their life looks so perfect, and mine sure doesn’t feel that way?” Perhaps it’s the opposite. You scan the group and think, “I am glad my family doesn’t have those challenges, that difficult diagnosis. My life feels close to perfection.”
The truth is, every life has its own set of challenges and blessings, whether visible or hidden. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, yet everyone has their own unique journey, strengths, and struggles.
Scripture tells us we are shaped by God’s design. Body and soul, we are marvelously made. From birth, God knew how our life would unfold, the blessings we would see, gifts we would be given, and obstacles we would face. God declares each of us wonderfully made.
This divine design means that each one of us is unique and special. We are crafted with purpose and intention, and our lives are filled with meaning, even when we face hardships.
We can’t understand why bad things happen to good people, babies are born with health needs, or why learning is difficult for some. Questions remain unanswered, leaving us confused and frustrated.
Yet, in the midst of these uncertainties, we are called to recognize the gifts we have been given: compassion, encouragement, and support. These gifts allow us to connect with one another, to offer a helping hand, and be a source of strength for those in need. Despite our differences and challenges, we are all connected by the common thread of God’s love and grace.
Lord, let us strive to look beyond the surface, to see the true value and beauty in each person, and to joyfully share our gifts.
Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 5
– Contributed by June Huff