You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Psalm 23:5-6
Most people familiar with the narratives of the Bible and with the Christian Faith in general would know that Psalm 23 is perhaps the most well known psalm, and speaks of our Good Shepherd Jesus who guides and leads us by the streams of living water and into good pastures. I would guess that fewer would be aware that this same Psalm gives a second beautiful image as well – one of a great victory or celebration Feast!
In my home growing up, we liked to celebrate and party, and we especially celebrated with lots of food! It was not a party unless there was more food left after a meal than had actually been eaten! Everyone ate and ate until we were more than full! This was perhaps not the best for our health, but it certainly led to great conversation and joy in the moment!
If you are like me, and enjoy a great social gathering with people you love and LOTS of food, then the second imagery of Psalm 23 is almost as excellent and comforting as the first. David says that God has prepared a table for us, and that our cups overflow. He even anoints me as his honored guest, and that this great goodness and love will follow me all throughout all of my life, and even forevermore!
This great blessing of an abundant meal is ours even now in and through Christ Jesus! He feeds us with his word, and we know that we are blessed beyond all measure. We have nothing to fear. We are safe and secure. We have peace forever. We are well fed and in good company! And better yet, any good we experience now is only but a little taste of the great joy, peace, and abundant feast that we will enjoy someday in the life of the world which is to come!
Praise God today that our cups overflow with His blessings! We are invited to the best meal that has ever been prepared – a meal of forgiveness, life, and salvation!
Lord God, thank you not only for leading me through every trial of my life, but for preparing the meal of your only son for me, so that I may have forgiveness, life, and salvation. As I wait for the next opportunity I have to feast with Your Church, give me patience and a healthy appetite for Your word! Amen
Written By: Pastor Koenig