Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters dwell in unity!
Psalm 133:1
In the year 2000, Tom Hanks starred as Chuck Noland in the blockbuster movie Cast Away. Chuck is a time conscious, Fed Ex executive who is cast away on a deserted island. Chuck now has time on his hands but no one to spend the time with. Chuck is desperately lonely and so he makes friends with an unlikely but willing companion — a Wilson volleyball he names “Wilson.”
God declares “It is not good that man would be alone.” God in His wisdom and mercy puts the most unlikely of people into relationship with each other. God desires people to be willing companions so that none would be alone.
But sin separates people. Sin separates people in marriage, in family, in work and school, in sports teams and the orchestra, and even in churches. Sometimes a volleyball is a more willing companion than what some people are. People hold grudges. People judge each other. People become cast away.
Psalm 133:1 declares, “Behold how good it is when brothers and sisters dwell in unity.”
Jesus was cast away so that you and I would not be. Jesus was cast from heaven and into the lonely, separated lives of people. Jesus was cast upon the Cross to pay the full price of sin and to reconcile all people to God and to each other.
The fruit of the cross is unity and reconciliation. The work of Jesus is to deliver people from their sin and to unite them in His name.
Which are you following today, Sin, or Jesus?
Dear Jesus, have your way with me. Unite me to my Father in heaven and your people everywhere. Amen.
Written by: Pastor Sippy