Redeemer Summer Service: Past, Present, Future
Redeemer members and friends have continued to serve and share the love of Christ boldly this summer, and there are many opportunities to continue serving with us in the future. Keep reading to celebrate with us over one recently completed service project, learn more about one still happening in the present, and mark your calendars for one in the very near future!
Past: Family Reunion Potluck raises money for LFCS
The Redeemer Family Reunion Potluck, a joint effort hosted at Redeemer Springfield by the Redeemer Fellowship Committee and the Parish Education Committee, excitedly welcomed nearly 250 guests from Redeemer and her sister congregations of Trinity Lutheran and Faith Lutheran in Springfield on Sunday, June 5th after worship. The event was a big success with lots of food and fellowship for all involved.
As part of the event, Redeemer was able to donate over $200 to Lutheran Children and Family Services (LFCS) through a “Pie the Pastor” donation competition. Redeemer family members gave money to the “pot” of whichever pastor they desired to see receive a pie in the face. In the end, all three of Redeemer’s pastors received the delicious honor.

Present: Lutherans For Life Gather for All Stages of Life

Our local chapter of Lutherans for Life, a national organization that aims at being gospel motivated voices for life in all of its stages, has been collecting supplies for those in need, and there is still time for you to join in and contribute!
Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day 2022, (May 8th – June 19th) bins are available in each church narthex to gather items for people in need at all stages of life. Infant items will be donated to Newborns in Need, a nationwide program that provides items to the very youngest among us. Items for slightly older children are being collected for Sammy’s Window, a group that assists foster families who are in need. Other items are being collected for local nursing homes in order to brighten the days of the elderly in our community.
There is still time to donate to this great cause, and assist in being a gospel motivated voice for life in all its stages. A list of specific ideas for donation can be found at the collection bin in the Narthex, but any items for infants, children, or the elderly will be accepted. Items will be picked up after worship on June 19th, so bring in your donations today!
Future: Lutherans For Life Rummage Sale
Lutherans for Life is excited to celebrate the return of its annual rummage sale. This year, the sale itself will be on June 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and much help is needed before and during the event.
Not only can you support this cause by donating your treasures to the sale, but volunteers are also need to help sort and organize for the sale. Work days are listed below. Help is needed both before and during the sale itself. If you or a group you are a part of would like to help out with this fantastic event, just show up at Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield at any of the times below, and come ready to work!
Any and all help is appreciated and welcome!
Rummage Sale Volunteer Hours:
June 15-17: sale-prep, 8am-noonish
June 20-22: sale-prep, 8am-4pm
June 23: sale, 8am-4pm
June 24: sale, 8am-4pm
June 25: sale, 8am-noon (half-price day)
June 25: sale clean-up, noon until ?

If you have questions about how you or your group can serve with the love of Jesus, email the Redeemer Serves Team at [email protected] We would be happy to help you find ways to serve!