Spiritual Awareness

Josh Wanner40DOD

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed..

– 1 Corinthians 12:1

Now, concerning Spiritual Gifts, Brothers and Sisters (of Redeemer), I don’t want you to be uninformed. Why do you think Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth thousands of years ago? What was going on in their church for Paul to think about this topic? Let’s think about it together.

This chapter in the Bible is my favorite chapter because it explores how ALL Christians have a role in the church. That’s right, everyone has a gift. Do you know your gift or gifts of the Spirit? You can normally tell your gift by how much enjoyment you receive by giving your gift to others. My main Spiritual Gift is Hospitality—I love to make people feel welcome in the church, or at parties, business meetings, networking functions, etc. It makes me feel good to have others feel good being there, even in a “threatening” place full of strangers.

There are many gifts in the church, so where do you fit in? In the upcoming months, we will work on this topic both from the pulpit in sermon messages, and from an Assimilation Committee, which will form closer to summertime. Our goal will be to help every member of Redeemer find their gift and use it for the building up of God’s presence in SW Missouri. Soon, we will be informed of our gifts to use them to further God’s glory.

Using your gifts for God’s purpose will help you fit in and find a purpose in the church and also enrich others around you. Engaged Christians have an increased love for their church and the people in it. Imagine Redeemer members fully engaged and using their gifts. Wow! I can’t wait!


Father, thank you for the privilege of being able to use my gifts for You.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 14

– Contributed by Tony Manasseri