RLC Music Ministry Opportunities

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Redeemer’s Music Program needs YOU!


Becky Foley directs the Nixa Choir and would love to have additional singers this fall. Please contact her for more information.

Trudy Tunnell directs the Springfield Choir and would welcome ALL singers to join. Jeff and Carmen Dorman are hosting the Spfd. Redeemer Choir kickoff potluck at their home (Please contact the Church Office for Directions) at 6:00 p.m. Wed., Aug. 28. Last names A-L bring a salad and K-Z bring a dessert. Meat and drinks provided. Please RSVP Trudy at church 417.881.5470×3109 or ttunnell@rlcmail.org. All former and new Choir singers and spouses are encouraged to come Aug. 28.


Denise Pincombe will direct the Springfield Redeemer Youth Chorale again this year for singers grades 3-8. This ensemble meets on Wed. evenings 4:45-5:30 in the upstairs conference room and sings in church once a month. Please let Denise or Trudy know if you are interested.


Handbells are directed in Springfield by Stephanie Richter and in Nixa by Louise Doering. These ensembles add so much to our services and play about once a month. Prayerfully consider participating and let Trudy or these ladies know if interested.

Praise Bands

Soul Purpose Praise in Springfield is directed by Kim Osterloh and they are always looking for singers, guitarists and drummers to praise God in song at the 10:45 services. Please let Kim or Trudy know if interested.

Nixa Praise is led by Matt Daake, Dennis Whelan and Trudy Tunnell at the 10:45 services. We would welcome singers, guitarists and drummers to participate!