One Source

Josh Wanner40DOD

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

– James 1:17

We have given and received many gifts in our lives. Some have short lives, especially certain toys we received when we were kids. Some gifts last a lifetime, even if they are just in our memories. Then there are the gifts that keep on giving! Do you have an all-time favorite gift? If so, where did the gift come from? Who gave it to you? Gifts change with the passing of time. When we were little, we wanted toys. I remember many years ago, the big gift that “everyone” wanted was a Cabbage Patch Kid. Do you recall the Pet Rock? Do you remember the gift giver?

How about the Greatest Gift we all have been given? This gift was from God, Himself. In His mercy and grace, He gave his only Son for us. His Son, Jesus, came to save us from our sins. We didn’t deserve it. In fact, we should have gotten a lump of coal! All other gifts fall short. God is the only one who could give us this gift. Jesus died, was buried and rose again to deliver it! Amazon can’t even compete with that distribution system. This truly is the gift that keeps on giving! God is the gift giver and the gift! He is the perfect gift!

Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! – Psalm 34:3


Dearest Father, thank you for being the gift giver and the gift.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 13

– Contributed by Tom Johnson