Music Ministries

The music ministry at RLC is dedicated to the call of bringing God's gift of music to our community and church in worship. The Music Ministry needs and would love volunteers in all music programs. If you are interested in joining any music ministry please contact Trudy Tunnell or at 417-881-5470 x 319.

Springfield Campus

This choir is open to all interested adults with no audition needed and music reading is not necessary! This vocal ensemble sings at the 8:00 service twice a month. We will be presenting a Christmas Cantata December 17, 2023 at both Nixa and Springfield. This choir sings all types of sacred music ranging from classic hymns to more contemporary songs.

Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening (starting August 31) at 6:00 pm with director Trudy Tunnell and accompanist Brenda Saunders. Call 417-881-5470 x 3109.

Nixa Campus

Do you like to sing in the shower or in your car on the way to work or school?

If so, Redeemer Nixa would love to have YOU join the Choir Ensemble this fall and Becky Foley has graciously agreed to oversee it! Please talk to Becky after the 8:00 am service or contact the Church Office

Music and rehearsals will be short and sweet for your convenience but a huge blessing to the congregation and our Lord. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this----you will "sing"cerely enjoy it!