Whether in person or online via Zoom, Life Groups are forming again for the fall. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other Christians and build each other up in faith. Many of our groups will be following the 7-week study by John Ortberg, Fully Devoted: Living Each Day in Jesus’ Name. If you are available to help lead a group starting this October, or if you have questions, contact Pastor Moser at [email protected].
Fully Devoted: What does it mean to do everything "in Jesus name"? Is that an ideal attainable only by a few "super Christians"--or is it a way of life we can all experience? John Ortberg’s Fully Devoted Bible study introduces participants to the core ideas behind transformation. Participants will be shown how to reinvent themselves in the best way possible. By immersing themselves in Jesus' perfect image, they will model themselves after him more and more. Watch your email for an opportunity to sign up for a 7-week Life Group this October, and grow with other believers in Living Each Day in Jesus’ Name.