In an effort to follow St. Paul’s command to “encourage one another and build one another up” (1 Thess. 5:11) the ladies of Redeemer’s LWML (Lutheran Women in Mission) have already completed some of their first service projects for 2022. On March 1, 22 LWML members met to create cards of encouragement for Redeemer members who have been unable to worship in person.
Barbara Jacobs, Redeemer LWML president says, “Our goal was to reach out to 80 persons as LWML is celebrating their 80th year. We met that goal!”

Members personally decorated, created, and colored cards like the one pictured here, to send out, each with a bible verse reminding the recipient of Jesus’ love. Members also agreed to pray for the recipients of their cards during Lent.
The ladies of Redeemer’s LWML would like to do more service events this year involving the number 80, to celebrate the many ways that God has worked through and blessed this nationwide organization for the past 80 years!
We at Redeemer love the way this group relentlessly serves the people of our congregation and community!
The LWML of Redeemer is continually partnering with the Redeemer Serves tea to foster a culture of service. If you would like to learn more about the Redeemer Serves Team, or have an idea about how to make an impact in our community, contact us anytime at [email protected].