“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
– Matthew 5:43-44
A beautiful sunrise – a nostalgic song that brings you to tears – the warm embrace of someone close to you. In these ways and more, God chooses to show His love to us every single day, even though the sinful nature in us makes us His enemy. It is in this way that God asks us to love. To show love by forgiveness and kindness to all.
That doesn’t sound too hard, right? But what about the times we are not met with that same love; then how do we react? How often do we respond with anger, bitterness, resentment, and hate? How often do we snap at annoying neighbors, yell at loved ones, and argue with rude coworkers? “You should have heard what he said”, “You should have seen what she did!”
But God calls us to so much more. There is no limit to the love God has for you, but that means there is also no limit for the love He has for every person around you. The ones you hate, the ones you ignore – God loves them just the same and wants us to love them too, just like Him. He wants us to love even when it’s hard, even when we are met with hate in return. Of course, this does not mean we don’t set boundaries when necessary, but it does mean that we respond in love and kindness no matter what.
This reminds me of another verse that reads: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). Jesus gives us a new paradigm – to respond with goodness and love even when we are met with hate, judgement, and persecution from others. Because when we do, goodness triumphs evil every time. And when we choose love, especially when others don’t, we are choosing to spread the love of Christ, which is a very powerful thing.
Dear Jesus, thank you for every way you love me, especially for coming down from heaven to die for me. Help me to see everyone around me as a child of God, and forgive me when I do not act in love and kindness.
Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 9
– Contributed by Charissa Moser