
Josh Wanner40DOW

And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Mark 11:9

Do you know that Redeemer’s praise band has a name? It’s Soul Purpose Praise. The title says what we are about – our souls praising our Heavenly Father. Think back to the time of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as reported in our Scripture verse for today. There was some serious shouting and praising on that day! The people had first-hand experience of Jesus’ healing, turning water into wine, providing food for the thou-sands! Yes, they were really excited this fellow was coming to town!

Now, let’s think about all Jesus has done for us. Most importantly, He took all of our sins to the cross with Him when He was crucified. He defied death and rose from the grave to physically be seen by some of the disciples. We weren’t there to experience these things, but we have the wonderful Word of God to tell us all about it. As believers, we feel the blessings of the Holy Spirit though music, the Word, and our sermons. We know He still is healing and protecting us in so many ways, and providing for our needs.

We wait and anticipate His most glorious entry, His second coming when we will get to meet Him in the air and start our new life in eternity with Him. I love to think about the music and praising in heaven. It will be like nothing we’ve heard or seen before! While we wait, we can get excited, shout His praises, and enjoy our soul’s purpose!


Dear Lord, thank You for taking our sins to the cross. As we wait for You to come for us, help us to get excited about You and what You have done. Please give us the joy that radiates Your love so that others will be drawn to us to learn about You.

Daily Reading: Mark 11:1-10

– Contributed by Kim Osterloh