The mission of Redeemer Lutheran Church is to glorify God by sharing our knowledge and love of Christ with all people by enabling, empowering, and inspiring one another to live Christ-centered lives.
1 Church - 2 Locations
Redeemer Lutheran Church is a loving and caring group of Lutherans gathered in Southwest Missouri. Redeemer worships in two different locations. Redeemer Springfield is located near the corner of Campbell Avenue and Battlefield Road. Redeemer Nixa is on the west side of Nixa on Mt. Vernon Street about eight miles south of the Redeemer Springfield location. Redeemer is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and one of nearly 200 Lutheran Churches in Missouri.
Our church was begun in 1961 as a mission start of Trinity Lutheran Church of Springfield. We have provided Lutheran Education since the fall of 1979. Redeemer is a fun and exciting place filled with people of many different styles and attitudes. We are daily growing together in our love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
With two worship centers, Redeemer offers four worship services on Sundays and together form one church, Redeemer. Our mission is Grow in Christ, Share the Word, and Care for All.
Redeemer provides many different opportunities to grow in God’s Word through Bible studies, small groups, Sunday school, and the ministry of Springfield Lutheran School and Nixa Preschool.
Redeemer encourages to share your faith-walk with friends, relatives, co-workers and people you come in contact with in your daily life.
Redeemer supports the people in both our church and our communities. From Stephen Ministry of one-to-one support and caring to members volunteering at local food pantries, Redeemer members are involved many areas of community outreach.
Springfield Campus
2852 S. Dayton Ave
Springfield, MO
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm
Friday 8am-1pm
Nixa Campus
911 W Mt Vernon St
Nixa, MO
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8am-2pm
Our Leaders
Ministry Leaders
Rev. Jarod Koenig - Associate Pastor Nixa Campus
Rev. Stephen Moser - Associate Pastor Springfield Campus
Hannah Hayden - Director of Youth Ministries
Amanda Cole - Principal, Springfield Lutheran School
Chelsea Haworth - Preschool Director, Nixa Campus
Trudy Tunnell - Music Director
Church Office
Melanie Dennis - Executive Director
Kathy Johnson - Office Manager, Springfield Campus
Stephanie Richter - Administrative Assistant, Springfield Campus
Kimmy Edmondson - Office Manager, Nixa Campus
Josh Wanner - Technology Director
Want to worship with us?
Join us weekly at either campus.
Sunday Services
Springfield - 8:00 & 10:45
Sunday School - 9:30
Nixa - 8:00, 10:45
Sunday School - 9:30