“…that you many know… what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead…” Ephesians 1:18-20
In an earlier devotion, I wrote about my friend, Byron. Byron is a puppet who helped Hannah Hayden and me with Children’s Church on Easter. Byron learned three lessons that morning, the first of which is that even when everything is changing, God promises He is still in control. Today I will be sharing the second lesson Byron learned.
Yes, Byron now understood the idea that God is in control, but he still wasn’t feeling completely confident he could put his full trust in that promise. He had doubts and wanted assurance. Silly puppet.
Friends, aren’t we just as silly? We go through life just fine – until something happens that we don’t like. It might be a painful loss, a heartbreaking disappointment, or just another day of loneliness that seems to stretch on forever. Whatever it is, we are quick to doubt God, to wonder if He really means it when He says He is in control, and to doubt if we really matter to Him at all.
But Byron learned that when God raised Jesus from the dead, God proved that He knows what He is doing, and that He is still very much in control.
In Ephesians 1, Paul prays for his friends in Ephesus that God’s Spirit would open the eyes of their hearts to know “the immeasurable greatness” of God’s power toward us, which He proved when He raised Jesus from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is God’s proof that His power knows no bounds, and that His power is directed in love toward you and me.
When Byron heard the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, he got really excited and couldn’t stop shouting God’s praises. Friends, I pray you and I will continue to experience that same excitement this Easter season.
In Christ’s resurrection, we have proof that God’s control is absolute and that we can trust Him to work everything out for our good. Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed!
Father, thank you for Jesus, our risen Savior and Lord. Give us confidence through His resurrection that your love and power for us will never falter or fade. Amen.
Written By: Pastor Moser