God’s Plan

Josh Wanner40DOD

“…when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

– Psalm 139:15-16

There’s nothing more inspiring to me than a brand-new calendar. To take a pen to a completely blank collection of months, weeks and days and begin to fill in events before the year has even begun? Exhilarating! I neatly write in birthdays of loved ones, planned vacations and celebrations, and a few appointments that have been made months in advance.

It doesn’t take long, though, for the scratch-outs to begin. Illness that cancels a trip and pencils in a doctor’s appointment. Weather that postpones a meeting. Conflicts that force postponements.

But just imagine what God’s book looks like! Every day of our lives, ordained for each of us. Ordained. “To prearrange unalterably; predestined,” according to the dictionary. Unalterably. No cross-outs or erasures. Our Heavenly Father saw each of us before we were born and determined His plans for us. Then he considered what each day of our lives would look like in order to fulfill those plans.

What goes into our scheduling? Do we consider God’s will for our days? And are we willing to accept when life doesn’t go according to our own plans? It’s worth remembering that our Heavenly Father never needs an eraser for His book.


Lord, thank you for every moment You give us to live on this earth. As we plot out the days, weeks, months and years ahead, help us to measure our own plans according to Your perfect will, and to answer Your call to live out your plans with willing hearts.

Daily Reading: Ephesians 3

– Contributed by Tracy Dunn