God’s Calling

Josh Wanner40DOD

Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.

– 1 Corinthians 7:17

As an educator, I have heard it all. “Teachers are just glorified babysitters,” or variations of that idea. These types of comments are offensive to not only educators as professionals, but even more so when viewed through the lens of God’s calling.

Working in a school comes with preparation, data analysis, personal expense, long work days, behavior issues, interactions with parents, and so much more. Every single employee in a school matters. From the janitors, to cooks, to aides, to teachers, to administrators, each person is there not for cute kids, the summers off, or the pay, but because they want to touch lives.

In both public and private school, I have worked with exceptional individuals who are helping the Gospel of Jesus Christ go forth in every task. My mother is a retired school nurse. Multiple times I have seen adults recognize her out and about and thank her, while crying, for being the only person they felt that loved them or took care of them in high school. While she was working in a public school and couldn’t outright share her faith with them, she lived as a believer in the situation she was called to.

While my experience is in education, yours is likely different. It doesn’t matter the location – we have all been called by God to serve where we are. Every role is important. We can all show the Fruits of the Spirit in every situation. Our calling may be to lead a worship service, or it may be babysitting a child. It may be to serve as a missionary, or it may be to work in business and donate funds to organizations. It may be to shovel snow, provide meals for someone, checking on an elderly neighbor…it ALL matters. Our faith shows in action, and we should give our best to sharing God’s love in any task we are given.


Dear God, there is no calling from you that isn’t impor-tant. Help me to treat each situation in my life as a way to share your love.

Daily Reading: Ephesians 2

– Contributed by Amanda Cole