One Body

Josh Wanner40DOD

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another

– Romans 12:4-5

In today’s reading, Paul is referencing the church as a human body. Just as a body has many different body parts with different functions so too is the church with its diversity of people with different gifts. And God calls on us to use those gifts to help the church function and grow.

Have you ever had a chance to look around our church on a Sunday? There are many talents being utilized by so many of our members. Everything from the pastors, elders, the choir, greeters, readers, video techs, sound techs, Bible class leaders, and many others. Not to mention all the ministries that help serve our community and each other. Do you think one person could handle getting all that done by themselves?

You have probably heard the name Patrick Mahomes recently. He is undeniably one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, but as we recently learned, even with all his talent, even he, cannot win a Super Bowl on his own. Every player on the team is needed, all with their different responsibilities, all united in one goal. Did you happen to catch the last Super Bowl game? No one was utilizing their talents and their dreams of achieving their goal that day was not happening! Like the famous saying goes, there is no “I” in team!

That’s another way to look at all of us… a team, with God as our biggest fan, our coach, our creator… he’s our everything. And our teams’ ultimate goal is even better than a Super Bowl ring… it’s loving and serving our neighbors. Through that love, the Holy Spirit works and leads others to faith in Christ and eternal life with Him! The great reward of our teamwork is an eternity together in the presence of God!


Dear Heavenly Father, please help guide me to use my gifts to serve those around me so that our team can grow and share an eternal life with You!

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 12

– Contributed by Heather Roberts