God’s Expectation

Josh Wanner40DOD

For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him.

– from Luther’s explanation to the Apostles’ Creed

What can I do for my Father who has done so much for me? Do I have enough money to reimburse Him? Can I get my life squared away to such an extent that the Father says, “We are all even.”? I don’t think so.

Yet, there is something in me that wants to acknowledge all God has done. But how can I do that?

Parents know how wonderful it is to be presented with a child’s piece of art work, or a dandelion, or a hug, or even a thank you. Our Father in heaven is much the same. He loves the little things we do to show Him that we understand how much He has done for us and how much He means to us.

So, whenever we express our thanks, praise Him for His goodness and mercy, serve Him with our time and talents, and obey His commandments (or at least try to) our Father is delighted. We do not have much to give, compared to what the Father has given us, but it is enough.


Dear Father, I want to thank You for sending Jesus to be my Savior. I want to thank You, but words fail me. Forgive me for the times I respond with silence to Your goodness to me. Help me to walk more closely with You and listen when I remember to say, “Thanks.”

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 4

Contributed by Rev. Jim Troyke