God’s Provision

Josh Wanner40DOD

He also gives me clothing and shoes, food and drink, house and home, wife and children, land, animals, and all I have. He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life.

 – from Luther’s explanation to the Apostles’ Creed

During these 40 days of discovery, we are learning together that we are gifts of God. We are “Gifted for More” as one of our study books is titled.

But before we fully know or understand what gifts we are and can be to this world, we must first consider what gifts we have been given. Martin Luther gives a rather extensive list of the blessings our God has given us. His idea of the ways God had gifted us was rather expansive – he says he provides everything needed for flourishing in this life.

It might be easy for us to remember the “big ticket items” such as food and drink, clothing and shelter and, of course, some form of income – but Luther says everything that keeps us alive and well in this life is included in God’s provision.

Each year in November, our family has a tradition of creating a “Thankful Pumpkin.” The idea is that each evening, every member of our family writes something they are thankful for on the pumpkin. By the end of the month, the pumpkin is filled with gifts the Lord has provided.

What I love about this activity is that it encourages our family to be creative about the blessings God has given us. From the delicacies of a specific favorite food to the hilariously mundane nature of indoor plumbing, to the sobering reality of trials and hardships that humble us – nothing is off the table to be listed as a “blessing” from the Lord.

It’s as beautiful as it is simple – the Lord provides not only everything we need, but simply everything we are and have. It is all under his control and provision. And oh does He ever provide – especially in and through His Son, our Lord Jesus!


Give us this day, our Daily bread. Amen.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 1

Contributed by Pastor Jarod Koenig