God’s Creation

Josh Wanner40DOD

I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them.
– from Luther’s explanation to the Apostles’ Creed

“You can choose one” my mom gently reminded me as I ran the pros and cons of polka dots versus yellow tulle. I was on a trip to Disney World and my parents were allowing my siblings and I to pick out one souvenir each. Choosing between Minnie Mouse and Princess Belle’s dress seemed impossible. The decision process may have stretched on forever had my mom not said, “Belle’s dress comes with a tiara”. Having a tiara meant that I too would be a princess. A tiara meant I was special.

As I grew up I started to question this logic. Tiara or not, I still didn’t feel special most days. No matter what I put on, my family was still impacted by grief, pain, and all of the other crummy parts of life.

Maybe it’s not a tiara for you, but we’ve all tried to cling to things that make us feel special. Maybe you cling to the right career, hoping if you climb the ladder enough people will see your worth. Maybe it’s the perfect house – If it looks like you have it together, others won’t notice just how much it’s all falling apart.

The first article begins by reminding us who God is: the maker and ruler of all creation. If we look a little deeper, we realize that this article also begins by reminding us who we are: created. God created me. He preserves, loves, and saves me. It’s an identity deeply rooted in grace and divine love. It’s an all-encompassing claim by the King of Kings, “this child is mine”.

There are many good goals to pursue in life. There are many good hobbies to explore, trips to take, and friends to make. But don’t let any of this become your identity. Your identity is so much deeper than any of these earthly things. You are created by God Almighty. You are daily claimed as His own.


Father Almighty, I give thanks to you today for daily calling me your own child. Help this identity to be what guides me in all other things.

Daily Reading: Psalm 139

Contributed by Hannah Hayden